We’re putting the finishing touches on an update that will include the following:
- We made a change to the initialization of MVIRS that will cause the program to start 5 seconds faster.
- There have been a small number of isolated instances of hard drive failure where we found that database backups had not been uploaded to the MVIRS Service Center because the option to do so was not enabled. Lacking database backups, those customers were forced to recreate their databases from paper records, and in at least one case, this process took several months. In order to reduce the possibility of this problem recurring, MVIRS will now automatically upload database backups as long as it is able to access the MVIRS Service Center (meaning that an Internet connection exists).
- MVIRS previously displayed a message and ended on some computers having no installed printer. We’ve made a change that will cause MVIRS to issue the message but continue running.
- PennDOT no longer shows ‘Number of Receipts’ or ‘Transmittal Number’ on the receipts that accompany batches of stickers. We had previously removed those fields from the ‘Add New Sticker Batch’ entry form. This change also removes them from the display of inspection sticker batches in Company, Stickers. Sticker batches will be used in batch entry order.
- One of our customers reported a problem of vehicles not being displayed when synchronizing with Quickbooks. Upon investigation, we found that the Year, Make, Model, VIN and Plate “custom fields” we define when first establishing the connection to QB were missing. This suggests that the initial linking process was somehow interrupted. MVIRS will now automatically create the custom fields when it connects to QB, if any are missing.
- Tools, Links contains links to several commonly-used websites for your convenience. Some of those website addresses have recently changed, so we’ve updated the links.
We plan to release version 6.0.27 during the week of February 18, 2019. The update will take place automatically when MVIRS is started.